Monday, January 18, 2010

Modified Waldorf Salad

This is one of the easiest and tastiest salads I usually make. Its a hit with the kids too and a good way to get them to eat their veggies ;-)

Eggs - 4
Pineapples - 4 slices
Cheese cubes - 2 (Amul cheese cubes go best)
Potatoes - 2 medium sized, boiled and peeled.
Apples (optional) - peeled and cored
Mayonnaise- 3 tbsps
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Hard-boil the eggs, cool to room temprature and cut into 1" pieces. Remove the yolks and keep only the whites
2. Dice the pineapples, potatoes and apples into 1" pieces. For the potatoes, you can cook them in the pressure cooker without water or use the preset microwave settings to cook them. Let them cool to room temprature before cutting
3. Dice the cheese cubes into 1/4" bits
4. Now mix all these ingredients together with the mayonnaise in a large bowl. Add just a pinch of salt if needed and some pepper powder. Put the salad in the fridge and let it chill for about an hour before serving.
This salad goes very well with pasta, risottos, sandwiches/burgers and Mexican rice. The kids love it 'cos each bite is a surprise as the ayonnaise coating prevents them from discerning the ingredients ;-)

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