Monday, January 18, 2010

Noodle Fritatta

This is a good recipe for one of those days when you don't feel like making anything elaborate. It's also a very easy dish to make for bachelors or those with not much experience in cooking ;-)

1 pack of instant noodles (Maggi or Top Ramen...I favour Top Ramen)
3 large eggs
1/4 cup grated cheese (mozzarella or regular Amul cheese cubes or slices)
4-5 tbsps oil

1. Cook the noodles with less than recommended water. Eg if pack says 2 1/2 cups, use 1 3/4 cup. The noodles need to be cooked and they should be dry (all water needs to be absorbed)
2. Once done, let the noodles cool till room temprature
3. Add the eggs to the cooled noodles and mix well. If eggs are added to hot noodles, they'll cook. So let it cool thoroughly before adding the eggs
4. Heat a tawa/girdle and add 2 tbsps oil
5. Pour the noodle-egg mixture onto the tawa and spread as thinly as possible on the tawa. Cook till brown and crispy on one side. Flip over and add the rest of the oil and cook til crispy on both sides
6. Turn off heat and sprinkle the grated cheese on top. Wait till cheese melts and cut into pizza-size pieces. Goes well with tomato sauce/ketchup and a glass of juice

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